Once upon a time I had a brain...
Well, I'm back. My recent discovery of Ravelry (yeah, I'm behind) has prompted me to remember that I have a blog. Speaking of Ravelry, I am already obsessed. Facebook, GoodReads, Ravelry - think of all the things I could accomplish if I never went to these sites.
Anyway, so what have I done since the last posts? Got pregnant, became a stay-at-home-Mom to son #1, had another son, slogged through seven months of intense babyhood, and then realized oh god, I'm pregnant again.
"Fake It 'Till You Make It"
At least I *look* happy, right?
All this "Mommy" stuff has turned my brain to mush. I looked through my old posts on PinkPurls and realized I used to be a coherent and literate being. Hell, I even knew HTML. Now I just sit in a corner and drool.
So, even though my projects may get soaked with saliva I am determined to do something with my mind. I figure if I only knit intermediate to difficult projects I am hoping it will make a dent in my lobotomized state. And if keep up with the blog and Ravelry it might just keep me motivated.
So, current projects anyone? You may notice that some of these are the SAME as I was working on in March 2007. Not much knitting was done around here in the last year - I made some socks, padded the stash, and *thought* about knitting. But that was the extent of it all... Here are the projects that have made it through the interim:
Unfinished and Unblocked Sarcelle
This is the Sarcelle Shawl which I have been knitting since early 2007. I've done about ten pattern repeats since picking this up threee days ago, so not too shabby for a totally neglected project.
Close Up of Sarcelle Stitch Pattern
Unblocked, but still pretty, huh?
This is a baby blanket I started in December 2007. I was inspired by a vintage baby blanket that my Grandmother was asked to repair by a family member. I loved it so much I tried to repeat the pattern exactly. The finished blanket has a scalloped crocheted border. Any attempt at me crocheting will surely ruin this project so I will try to knit some attractive border instead.
Close-up of stitch pattern. Once blocked, the purl columns will be more visible.
Mock Cable Socks
I need to block this to show off the pattern. Sadly, I think the first sock is too small. :(
Alright, well husband and I are fighting over whose turn it is to hold the baby...