Sooooooo, I was totally going to finish those Broadripple socks on like WEDNESDAY but life got in the way again. (Note to the City of Boston: I love you, I really do. In fact, I cry myself to sleep every night since I moved outside of your limits. However, the roads around you? You know, 128 and the Pike, and 9, etc? They all SUCK. And they make it difficult for me to continue my long-distance relationship with you. It took me 2 hours and 8 minutes to get home after our rendevous on Friday and this is simply not acceptable.) I have been doing some training at a sister institution to my hospital and the new place - very strict and VERY LIMITED internet. Seriously - they block you from going to even Hotmail. What is that about?
But, yesterday I did finish the socks!!!!
Pattern: Broadripple from
KnittyYarn: Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in Northern Lights
Also, I posted on a couple of message boards about how I really like Cherry Tree Hill Supersock and some people asked to hear more about it. Well, obviously I like it, and Clara from Knitter's Review has written a review here which I'm sure is much more informative than me going, "I just love it! Love it! It is squishy and soft!", so you should go there and read her review. What I do want to add is that most of the colors are REALLY bright. I wear mostly black and brown so I reserve use of this yarn for socks or items not for myself. Anyway, here are some pics of things I have made with it...
These are made in the Fall Foliage colorway and the free pattern is here. I made these last summer and they have been washed (in hot water!) and machine dried. They did "bloom" with time and have lost a tiny bit of stitich definition, but otherwise they have held up very nicely.